Under Costruction.....


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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

crazy corn dogs

In the last 15 hours I have heard.....

are you crazy? do YOU need your head examined?  Glad it is you and not me! SUCKER! do you know what you are doing? Really?! Aren't three babies under two enough for you?  WTH? and a few more choice ones....

Is your interest piqued? Why you ask are they looking at me like I have two heads? have i really gone crazy?

Well yes, crazy runs in my family, so far i have been able to control it with chocolate and blame the rest on eight bambinos, but no more, i have clearly crossed the line in  few peoples eyes......

we added two little four footed friends to our already chaotic world....

two little two pound rat terriers...

they look like this...though this one isn't it....and we have two of them...Halle and Boo.

Since they came home with us on Halloween. At this very moment the twins are in the kennel with the puppies, this is a good thing...maybe the puppies will potty train the twins....here's hopin!

My husband clearly feels I have lost all good sense, but I for one am done waiting....

waiting for life to begin when we have a farm/house/land...blah, blah, blah.....

maybe this is only my problem, i hold this dream out there and all will be well and good and wonderful when we have met that goal.  meanwhile life goes on and I do not enjoy it to the fullest....

no more...well at least for this week, we/i will seize the day and make the most out of it...with what I have...not what I am waiting for....

and with that being said, i will leave you with Ree, the Pioneer Woman's corn dogs and cheese on a stick.....they were in celebration of two new puppies, halloween and because lets face it i was being lazy, so don't judge me on the pancake mix part...I know it is processed...but it was one of those days...and they tasted so good!!!!

so pray for me. love yer guts,
crazy mama

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