Under Costruction.....


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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I did something today...I just can't tell you what, but I know that I did something...I feel it in my bones.....though my house probably doesn't hold a clue of what I did....probably because the mckiddos came home - thank heavens - probably because I made dinner and #3 made (or started making and then she jetted off to Young Women's...and I was left holding the bag...or rather the cupcake pans and batter...which is okay because I will be partaking of some of the wholesome summer taste of key lime cupcakes)...and probably because we are only half way through January and we are already sick and tired of old man winter...who just arrived like yesterday.....and probably because I have dressed one little mctwin like 4000 times...and most likely, but probably because my baby girl has been cranky...which is such a rarity...and I do mean like this is the second time she has really been cranky....with the cotton pickin dad-gum teeth (why do they have to be so hard?)...but probably because I was up at 4 am with baby girl and when I tried to lay down on the couch after turning on the dastardly disney channel...naked mctwin #1 decided t climb mt Kilimanjaro aka  my kitchen cabinets....yep..that is probably why.....or maybe, probably that I tried to do too may things too late i the day with too many babes and dogs under foot

it was because I was in a rush to get home that I backed out of the bank drive thru to go through the ATM to do my business in such a rushed-hurry-get-out-of my-way kinda way...that the ATM refused to work.....

...and I can't tell you how many times I have told my kids to not be in a rush so that they won't have to do things a second time. SO something that should have taken 3 minutes took twenty minutes as I tried to explain to the bank teller that I wasn't pulling a fast one on them....really...I wasn't...

So the lesson learned today is that, probably, most likely....I 'm pretty sure...is take your time...the rest will come....

SO make you some cupcakes, sit down with a good book and then slowly eat every last bite and lck up all the crumbs....while disney channel rages on...(ok ok...I was really The Housewives of Beverly Hills......what can I say?!)

You can find the recipe here on Tasty Kitchen....

am pretty sure I will be eating the rest one the kids have hit the sack.......

1 comment:

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

seriously love your blog!!! you always make me giggle!!! I will share my recipe for White Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes if you share yours...(oh, wait, you sent a link...!LOL!!) love ya!

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