Under Costruction.....


Just like life building (rebuilding) a blog is a journey.... please stick with us as we make this blog better. Thanks y'all!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

here's hoping

Mack and cheese was reading the blog....and commented, "If you don't update it, no one is going to read it."  Well for the whole two or three of you that read it and actually comment, thank you because you always inspire me.  as for the blog, it is therapeutic and cathartic and cleansing .....oh...you get the picture....well then.....

We are now working out int he real world....

and when I say we, I actually mean mackdaddyx7...I get the joy of staying home and trying to adjust to doing it all on my own....again...but with mobile babies....that are discovering cabinets and drawers and each other....

Such a joy and a laugh a minute.....but holy whip...such a dang lot of work!  I have to admit that I had it easy having mrmcd out of work for a year when we had the twins.  I wassssss sssssspoiled!  There was an other pair of hands, and someone there when I needed to sneak away...and I do mean sneak!!  Cleaning was split between two of us...

HA!  Caught you.......had to make sure you were paying attention...housework being split up?!

Now that is funny stuff!  I don't care who you are!  (A little humor for the huz!)

So here I sit, with one mctwin chewing on her bro's toes and the other gnawing on the wood bench.....and I sit here and blog.  Remember it is good for the soul.

I have a list a mile long like the rest of you.....but this is way more important....even my significant other could tell.  So when he comes home and no one vacced or scrubbed the shower or unloaded the dishwasher....he will have to know that he gave me permission to BLOG!

Cuz after all...I NEED permission.  Maybe when the kids are out of school I will have more time...

Oh did I just fall off to dreamland...

...nope.....in a short blogbreak, I have sorted and put in a load of laundry, made my bed, put two babies back to bed...and one has to be nursed to sleep...and yes it is nine am...and they are down for naps, does that tell you how early we get up? and gotten cereal for another said child and turned on cartoons...which I am sorry to report...I watched......not a good thing....sponge bob square pants was parodying being a mother while his cohort went to work and came home and plopped on the couch to watch tv....

maybe I better turn it off.....after I blog.....

Life is good.....and we are starting to look for that farm!

Only we have to go a ways out to actually get said farm within our budget.

Budget, what budget?

We have found a farm house on farm land....I want it, I want it BAD!

But I am trying  not to get emotionally invested....the kids already are and have all said that they would gladly move there....yes, they all agreed...to move to a small town..where they know no one....

so here is hoping in the next few weeks that we can get it all together and it works out if it is meant to be.....

so please...send  a few petitions heavenward for us....I only have a few weeks till it will be too late for a garden..and the lambs will be too big, and....

am I putting the horse before the cart...

well I have been known to do that.....


1 comment:

Shemra said...

SSAAWWEETT I will be keeping my fingers crossed and you guys are always in my prayers=) Wheres this house at? Im so excited for you guys, you totally deserve a new house!!!

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