Under Costruction.....


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Monday, September 27, 2010

As if.....

I think I think to much...

Yes..it's true....even my husband has said it...and....

he is a man of few words!!!

I have a post planned and because I over think it/have way to much to do/am lazy.....

it just doesn't get done...maybe I should stick to shorter thoughts...or no thoughts....

maybe I can just post a short quip about what I am doing yesterday/today/tomorrow to live like I am/one day will get to live on my farm.....

and first things first....my family and I have been/are/will be eating a more natural diet.

Now I have to say we have been doing the basic cook from scratch for a long time...really the only thing we buy at the store that isn't...and of course loaded with sugar...is cereal. This is more or less a treat or when I just don't have time to make breakfast and they won't eat oatmeal, silly kids!

But over the last couple of months and more recently with the hospitalization of mctwin #1 for failure to thrive and severe iron deficiency..I increased my research (thank heavens for the internet!)  and discovered that many of the symptoms of sickness my darlings had were o so curable with a simple food diet.  We ...and I mean the whole family...will be eating the gaps diet.  I will let you go to the website and research it along with the blog from The Healthy Home Economist and determine for yourself what you think. 

For me it was an answer to a prayer and I think the mctwins and the whole family will become healthier...because we will be eating healthier food as well as eating more like our ancestors way back when. No thankfully the diet only calls for an absence period and not a total picketing of the  various foods forever.  But it will help us get back on track and more importantly eating more like we are on the farm.......

Tell me what you think.....or if you have heard anything or experienced anything good bad or terrible.  I am all ears!!!

And then my plan...is to let you know the daily rumblings of eating like we are almost on a farm.

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