Under Costruction.....


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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lot's Wife

Do ya all remember Lot's wife? Of the Bible?

She turned to salt...

Mr. McD...calls me this on occasion....especially when we are

here......this is HOME....not home away from home...

I live at the home away from home...and have to come here...to be home.

Do you see where I am going with this?

Yeppers...I miss this place like...well like a long lost love....

this is where 3 of my 7 babies were born...and it was the first place the other 4 visited, when they were weeks old...

This is home...afterall.....we own burial plots here...and it is God's country.

Don't get me wrong.....I do love it here.....

But this is where my heart still is.....because we do this...

...and the kids can loose themselves in this....searching for bugs, or lizards.....we may have brought home one or two...

..and this handsome fella can feel at home in his boots....

We enjoy this......unless we land on it.....

and the beauty that comes from something so painful...always amazes me.

...and these two...well...they were corralled for a minute or two.

And there is this place.....when you visit you must eat here..I insist...and you must have their coca-cola...it is the best.....I promise.

And cousins were there...and well I was too busy cookin and stuffin my face with dutch oven potatoes and pulled pork, and talkin with family that I didn't have time to take pictures....but they are there, through thick and thin and inbetween...they are always there.  Sometimes like dried mud between your toes....but still they are always there...

and....two shared such wonderful news......I LOVE that kind of news!

Soooo....do you now understand why my beloved calls me Lot's wife?

Yes, I thought you would.....

One day, one day.....

and for those still shaking their head......wondering why....

let me explain....s l o w l y......

I am still looking back.....looking back at where we arent living...where is seems we aren't meant to live....but where I still want to live...and let my mckiddos grow up where their dad grew up...and where his dad grew up...and his dad's dad...and great granddad grew up....where their cousins are...and wide open spaces...and horny toads....

oh, you get the picture, yes, I thought you would...

So....if you hear mackdaddy ask for a lickin or two....he's not askin for a beatin'....he's just makin sure....his wife isn't turning to salt.....


Marnie said...

I to have been one to look back, it's because I do not really like where I am. Ohhhhh to be young again with blonde hair (not gray), and a body that has not had five kids and a lot of brownies.
What a blessing you have to have a home to go back to. No one is near the place I called home, and my only longing is stability.
It is good to go home, and I am sure one day you will. For whatever reason we are where we are meant to be just try and enjoy the journey.
I pray that one day I will look back at these last couple of years and smile. I also want to find a place to call home without looking back. I'm thinking Texas is pretty close.
enjoy your day and send me those recipes. Perhaps we can join forces in the battle of the bulge.

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

there is just something about coming down from Todds and know you are almost...not quite...but almost there (and even though Gtown has become home to me and my kids..not so sure about the hubby though! lol)I still get those excited little butterflies knowing I am almost home!...nothing quite like those red hills and taking weeks to get the red sand out of the socks and shoes! ....sorry about the dutch oven dinner, we had left town Thursday and I didn't get your message until Friday night..by then mom and dad had already made a few plans....we went by uncle jays about 4:30 on Monday but no one was there....he said Tuesday morning that we had just missed you all...dang it. Are you going down over the 4th? We are going down on the 26th and staying (if I get my way) until the 8th or so.... :)

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

oh and not to mention the Junction! it has been a while...but never disappointed! :) Rhett and I were talking about the thinks in Kanab that we miss which are no longer there....Mack would remember Petro's -the best pizza ever along with Down Stream Deli...special occasions and the always and forever missed "Frostop"....were you there when Frostop was...soooo miss that place!

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