Under Costruction.....


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Egg, eggs, eggs...

I ate eggs for breakfast...as did my chillins' and Mr Mackdaddy.  I know many of you will cringe over that...because some of you don't like eggs or thinks eggs are bad for us..or don't want to cool them...

whatever...the reason...you are missin out girlfriend!!!  mack has taken a fried egg sandwich....for I don't know how long to work and usually they are fried up for our weekends meals...but I have been trying to use them more and in everythng!! They are in fact a building block in our healthy structure!

Do you think the HOA would let me put a few chickens out in the back.....so that I could have fresh eggs every day?

No..me neither.... but heck...these chickens would be living high on the hog......I mean I have so many kitchen scraps that go to waste.....because I don't have my farm.....that other chickens would line up to come to my house!!!  "Lay" down there little lives...ok too dramatic...but seriously... they would be fed well which would feed my family even better then buying those almost "dead" eggs at the store.....

I need to commit myself and go down the road and buy the eggs at a local farmers house....they just cost more.....and I want my own chickens....but it is your children's health we are talking about...why can't I get a farm...why am i still stuck in a condo...other then the fact that I love my community....

so says my little internal argument every day.....I am going to have to get a job...just so that I can feed my children healthy...or find a farm.....that I can buy...so I can feed my own family and sell some to feed other little peeps the healthy food that we all need and are not getting at the store.....

If I didn't loose ya at the beginning when I said I eat eggs...you can read more information on why eggs are good for you in Nourishing Traditions and at the blog of The Healthy Home Economist or here. If we all ate more like the farmers of old...we would all be healthier...I promise.....but you will have to decide that for yourselves...

while I go dig into some boiled eggs...or maybe a jalapeno pickled eggs those are the best!)..... on my spinach salad...with BACON!!!!


an egg eater!


Rachel Keppner said...

YUM! :-)

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

I love love love being able to have our chickens...I wish I had a bit more room for them to roam...so they are not pooping on my drive way...but they are tame, my kids love them and I get fresh eggs everyday...I am now sooo spoiled that I don't like to buy eggs ('cept at easter because brown eggs don't color well! lol) And I know what are going into my chickens and so I am not afraid of my eggs! lol...they do love table scraps! it is the best! :)

Lisa "Kat" Koetter said...

Chicks were one of the first things we got when we bought our house and land over 6 years ago. Now I can't live without them. And neither can my coworkers that I sell extra eggs to. They are the best eggs in the world! Nice orange yolks; none of those anemic-looking light yellow yolks of store-bought eggs. Yuck! Hey, we have plenty of land, so come on up, build a house, and get some lifestock!

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