Under Costruction.....


Just like life building (rebuilding) a blog is a journey.... please stick with us as we make this blog better. Thanks y'all!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Last night as I lay in bed...and sometime in the middle of the night when I wasn't sleeping because a mctwin #2 needed me as a body pillow...I was writing a blog post...

..and it was funny....but do you think for the life of me I can remember it now?!  Crickey!

It is because I went back to sleep....yes, I really did!  Until ten am! {{Gasp!}}

 I felt I had earned that right after draggin my behind outta bed at five am for the hubs and kiddo #1 to make them a warm and nutritious meal, and to warm them up after planting flags around the Neighborhood!  (Thank you Christopher Columbus, I still think you were faith inspired to find our land!)

I fed them Juevos Rancheros....and please roll the rrrr.....it's make you sound more sophisticated!

You say beans in the morning?! Yikes..or at least on of the mouthy kids did..but then again...they are all mouthy...so I forget which one it was....

I know, I know, them apples don't fall from the tree!

But everyone was up and about and eating a hearty breakfast at 5:30 am...off to school by 7:30 am, and that left me and the three little bambinos.....we went back to bed...

because there was nobody to stop us!  And it felt good!  Now to get my dang morning started....but I am think why now....let's just pretend today is a whitewash....

and go  eat sour dough bread or pancakes or biscuits...what ever floats you boat, flips your skirt.....or just makes you go aaaawwwweeeee.....

  and while you do...peruse these sights.....truly worth a few minutes of your time!

Call it Medical, not Mediterrarean

and a recipe I am dying to try! Homemade Chocolate Syrup

and Real Milk

and while you read those...I am going to figure out.....

if I leave the the droppings from the mctwins on the tile long enough will they dry out and be easier to sweep up...

do I have anything to hang over one of the kids'  head to make them mop....

the bonehead who chose the white tile should be shot...but my kids would cry.

do I have any of that coconut mousse pie left over from last night...um...with coconut crust!!  mmmm good!

do you think my 17 month old twins can potty train themselves...this week....

and am I in withdrawals because canning season is pretty much done....

love yer guts!

signed, sleeping hangover

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